Do you welcome Tory plans for Digital ID cards?

Do you welcome Tory plans for Digital ID cards?

What do you think about UK Digital ID cards?

As the government web page (below) clearly shows, there is undeniably a Conservative plan to introduce digital ID cards at some point.

Smooth talk from the government…

No doubt the behavioural scientists will be hard at work, crafting promotional messages in a way that will try to sleepwalk us into allowing bureaucrats to know our every move.

Believing everything that comes from the government and the media about the introduction of digital ID Cards, and the inevitable message that this plan is positive and beneficial for one and all, could be a monumental mistake.

You might take note of soothing and calming phrases like “trust framework” – “better user experience” and “People can confidently verify themselves”.

To the uninitiated, the use of “nudge” words and phrases could make digital ID cards sound like a jolly good idea, and why wouldn’t you want one.

By “salami slicing” the introduction of digital ID cards, it is intended we will be like frogs being slowly heated to boiling point without realising what is happening to us, and the way of life we value..

Here’s the awful potential…

Digital ID cards have been in use in communist China for some time. In China, you’re digital ID is used to calculate whether you are a good person or a bad person (in the eyes of whoever is in charge).

Your access to jobs, benefits, bank accounts, travel abroad, public transport and all the normal enhancements you might expect in the twenty first century, can easily be granted or cancelled for you at the click of a mouse.

You might feel safe right now, but could you imagine what life might be like if an idea logically possessed political operator like Mark Drakeford, or Pierre Trudeau was pressing the buttons, or heaven forbid, a psychopath like Vladimir Putin?

While the virtue signallers are busy scrubbing “I’ve had all my jabs” stickers off their Facebook pages, and replacing them with blue and yellow flags, let’s not allow grandstanding politicians to sweep important domestic politics under the nearest bit of carpet.

Introduction of digital ID cards in the UK would indeed be salami sliced. They would probably be voluntary at first, and after a number of “necessary updates”, they would likely become a compulsory and inescapable part of your daily life.

Once it becomes law, you’d find little opportunity to regain the freedoms you’d casually given away.

Your life under a bureaucrat’s microscope…

In my opinion, digital ID cards should be fought against tooth and nail… What do you think?

Click the link below to view
Conservative Party plans for UK digital ID cards:–2

There is currently (March 2022) no live national petition attempting to overthrow the introduction of national Digital ID Cards…

Here’s the good news…

If you’re searching for a political party that is fully against the introduction of digital ID cards, and the idea that the government should seek to control your life through technology or any other means, there is at least one political party you can vote for.

Reform UK have confirmed that they are fully against the introduction of Digital ID Cards… no ifs no buts…

CLICK HERE to go to Reform UK website

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