Why You Should Fear Digital ID Cards

Don’t be Fooled!

Tony Blair refuses to get off centre stage, even though so many detest him.

His answer for every one of our challenges and issues is to impose digital ID cards on every man woman and child in the country. This is Blair’s authoritarian obsession!

The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change has its sticky tentacles spread all over Malawi and 30 other countries across the world!.

In the UK, Blair sits in the background nudging and advising Starmer, he’s also been writing extensively in the media and banging on and on about digital ID cards.

Starmer is currently resisting Blair’s obsessive desire for population control, but maybe the next prime minister will take a different view.

Forget the word “card”. You will have no plastic card in your wallet with your photo and date of birth on. There will be no piece of plastic to wave under somebody’s nose to prove who you are.

The Danger Word Is “Digital”

The word you should be focusing on is “digital”. What Blair is talking about is a “Digital ID System”. It’s an enormous computer database under the control of the government, with all your tax, health, financial, and personal details, which will be available to politicians, the civil service, and any other agency, quango or focus group the politicians of the day give the passwords to.

Those with access to all our records would be able to cut and dice the information at will. They would know who travels frequently by plane. They would know whether you travel abroad on business or holiday. Your “carbon footprint” could be easily monitored, and appropriate punishments or restrictions could be meted out.

They would know whether you have frequent parking fines, speeding tickets, or any other misdemeanour. The amalgamated information they’d gather would make it easy for them to create new laws. Those laws would likely place unwanted restrictions on all of us.

They would know if you smoke, if you’re overweight, or whether you have the potential for a heart attack, dementia, or any other future illness, simply by checking your health records.

Your Personal Information Could Be Sold

Let’s not forget, this would be a government run IT system. We all have memories of IT functionality flaws, that have severely damaged the lives and reputations of British citizens.

Can you imagine a system in place, with functionality errors like the Post Office’s “Horizon” system? As we all know, the people in charge at the post office simply refused to admit there was anything wrong with it. People’s lives were destroyed, and four people committed suicide.

While a digital ID system would be a goldmine of information and control that any government (whether authoritarian or not) would love to have at their disposal, such a system would also be a dream target for hackers.

Hackers would enjoy the challenge of breaking in. Once inside they could alter information, they could steal our private data and sell it on the dark web.

ID Systems Are a Huge Security Risk

Highly skilled hackers from China, North Korea, Russia, Iran and others, could silently invade the database, which would be valuable information, to use in their attempts to undermine our Western lifestyles. In the event of a future war, this information would be invaluable.

In theory, government officials, civil servants, advisory bodies, hackers, insurance companies and foreign powers could find out about your gambling addiction, you’re unsuccessful relationships, the reason you were fired, or the unfortunate bladder leak you suffered from last year!

Of course, those in Westminster will try to sell it to us as if it’s a super safe, time-saving convenience. In reality, it would be a dangerous intrusion into our personal freedoms. It would be a Chinese inspired surveillance and control system.

In Summary

In summary, there is no plastic card. It’s a highly vulnerable IT database. It could be used for good, or evil. It would sit there like a ticking timebomb, as you’d never know who has access to your highly personal details. Neither could you be sure what they would do with your private information.

There are some low resolution thinkers who will say “If you’ve got nothing to hide what’s the problem?” However, these people should be completely ignored.

In my opinion, it’s vital that plans for a Digital ID System must never be in the hands of those we give our power to every five years. Particularly as we never know who’s coming next!

What do you think?

The Last Word Goes to Nigel